2024 Submission Details & Style Guide
Download the ASB 2024 Submission & Style Guide via the button below. Please be sure to follow the style guide carefully, as there are some changes from prior years. A sample submission document is also available for download.
Scroll down from common questions relating to submitting and for a brief overview of submission types. Questions related to submission, style, and formatting can be directed to the relevant track chair or conference chair: Gabrielle.Durepos@msvu.ca
Common Submission Questions
How do I submit to ASB?
You can submit to ASB by preparing your desired submission type by the submission deadline, and sending it to the relevant track chair by email.
Why should I submit to ASB?
ASB is a supportive and developmental conference. Attendees of ASB typically rave about the quality of feedback and connection they experience at the conference. Plus, we have some great activities planned this year!
When is the submission deadline?
The submission deadline is August 13, 2024, 11:59pm (Halifax).
Can students submit to ASB?
Yes! We strongly encourage students to submit. Undergraduate, master and doctorate level students have all presented at ASB in the past, with great success. Full papers that are solely-authored by students are considered for the Best Student Paper Award.
What should I submit to ASB?
You can submit full papers, works-in-progress, or a workshop/symposium/book launch proposal. Details of each submission type are provided below.
How should I format my submission?
A detailed style guide, as well as a sample paper, are available here on our website. Follow the formatting instructions carefully to ensure your submission goes out for review promptly.
Types of Submissions
Full Papers
Full papers are original manuscripts of no more than 7,000 words (excluding references).
Full papers will be accepted for the proceedings and presentation, or presentation only, based on reviewer feedback.
Abstracts of all full papers accepted for presentation will be included in the conference proceedings.
Work-in-progress submissions are shorter, developmental papers that are in-progress.
A work-in-progress submission offers authors the opportunity to receive feedback on developmental work at an early stage of production.
Work-in-progress submissions should be at least 1,200-1,500 words (excluding references).
Workshop/Symposium/Book Launch Proposal
Workshop/Symposium/Book Launch proposals are submissions that propose track-wide activities other than a traditional paper presentation, such as a panel discussion.
Workshop/symposium/book launch proposals should be no more than 1,200 words (excluding references).