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ASB 2022 Registration Information

Early Bird Deadline is August 22nd!

Faculty - includes Friday evening reception; Saturday breakfast, breaks luncheon, and banquet; Sunday breakfast and break ($249/$299)

Students and Retired Faculty ($149/$199)

Companion - includes Friday evening reception + Saturday reception and banquet



The Wolfville area has a host of wonderful small accommodations available through a web search,, and


Register Now!


Conference Schedule


3:00 - 5:00

"Getting Published"

with Gabrielle Durepos

6:00 - 8:00

Welcome Reception



Paper Sessions

(morning & afternoon)

Reception & Awards Banquet



Breakfast & Annual

General Meeting

Paper Sessions (morning)

Conference Closes (noon)

Optional Afternoon Tours

Gabrielle Durepos, PhD

Gabrielle Durepos, PhD is Associate Professor at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Canada. She currently an associate editor at Management Learning, the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences and Qualitative Research in Organization and Management. She is an editor of the Palgrave Debates in Business History Palgrave Book Series. She is a past associate editor of Academy of Management Learning & Education. She has co-edited six special issues in journals including, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Management Learning, Journal of Management History, Management & Organizational History and Critical Perspectives on International Business.  Gabrielle is a co-editor of both the SAGE Encyclopaedia of Case Study Research as well as the SAGE Major Work on Case Study Methods in Business Research. She is currently co-authoring a book on archival silences.  She can be reached at  Her website URL is:

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