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Communities, Context and Communication

2014 | Mount Saint Vincent University

The 44th Annual Atlantic Schools of Business Conference is hosted this year by Mount Saint Vincent University from September 26th to 28th, 2014.

The theme of this year’s conference is “Communities, Context and Communication”.

Communities serve as a fundamental location of how we, as social participants, come to understand and organize our lived world. The practices of organizing are influenced by issues of identity and the acceptance of plausible or ‘good enough’ accounts. From a resource dependency viewpoint, we typically understand business to be constrained by the context in which it is done. Business acts are bounded within social negotiated routines, habits and accept(able) actions. The enactment of community identity and their related contextual pressures can be found within acts of communication. 

What could we learn about acts of organizing and the ideas of ‘community’ by exploring the contexts in which we are embedded and the acts of communication? How might this expand our understandings of communities’ influences on micro-organizational levels or at more macro levels of commerce, politics, and as a society? We look forward to investing time exploring these ideas and many more. 

The 2014 Atlantic Schools of Business conference invites academic papers, symposiums and PDWs that consider and expand upon the theme of “Communities, Context and Communication”.

ASB invites papers from a variety of functional areas as outlined in the call for papers, targeting research at various stages of development. ASB is dedicated to fostering a supportive environment, whether it is by helping scholars polish developed manuscripts or helping to improve ideas in progress. 

Encouraged for submission are papers that examine broadly the notion of community and its impact on business as well as organizational, communicative and contextual influences on community. Multiple levels of submission are encouraged, including full papers to be considered for presentation and conference proceedings, papers and concepts in process suitable for presentation, and symposiums that combine various streams of thought to engage and inform. Additionally, we will be actively encouraging student submissions as a gateway into researcher presentations. 



The Business History track has paired up with the UK Management History Research Group and is expecting a showing from management historians from Western Canada as well as an international participation base. (read more)



A special Issue in the journal Management & Organizational History titled “Re-visiting the Historic Turn 10 years later: Current Debates in Management and Organizational History” has been developed to which the Business History division co-conveners will encourage authors to submit their manuscripts. For more information, contact Gabie Durepos ( or Albert Mills (

The April 2015 and October 2015 issues of The Workplace Review invite papers from the ASB2014 conference. The Workplace Review publishes five papers per issue. For more information contact Isabella Krysa (

Mark your calendars for September; we look forward to your participation in our ASB community at Mount Saint Vincent University.

Gabie Durepos

ASB Co-President

Les écoles annuelle de l’Atlantique 44e de la Conférence d’affaires est organisée cette année par Mount Saint Vincent University à partir du 26 Septembre to 28th 2014.

Le thème de la conférence de cette année est Communautés, Contexte et Communication.

Communautés servent comme lieu fondamental de la façon dont nous, en tant que participants sociales, arrivons à comprendre et à organiser notre monde vécu. Les pratiques de l’organisation sont influencés par les questions d’identité et de l’acceptation de plausible ou comptes «suffisamment bonne». D’un point de vue dépendance des ressources, nous comprenons généralement entreprise d’être limitée par le contexte dans lequel il est fait. Ils sont délimités sociaux négociés dans les routines, les habitudes et acceptent actions (mesure). L’adoption de l’identité de la communauté et leurs pressions contextuels connexes peuvent être trouvées dans des actes de communication.

Que pourrions-nous en apprendre davantage sur les actes de l’organisation et les idées de la «communauté» en explorant le contexte dans lequel nous sommes embarqués et les actes de communication? Comment cela pourrait élargir notre compréhension des influences des communautés sur les niveaux micro-organisation ou à un niveau plus macro de commerce, la politique, et en tant que société? Nous nous réjouissons de temps à investir explorer ces idées et beaucoup plus.

Les écoles de l’Atlantique de l’entreprise conférence 2014 invite les documents universitaires et des colloques qui considèrent et se dilatent sur le thème de “Communautés, contexte et Communication”.

L’Atlantic School of Business invite les communications qui portent sur les domaines fonctionnels mentionnés dans l’appel à communications et qui s’appliquent aux recherches à diverses étapes de développement. L’ASB a pour mission de favoriser un environnement qui aide les chercheurs à perfectionner leurs manuscrits déjà rédigés et à améliorer leurs idées en cours de développement.

Encouragés à soumettre des articles qui examinent largement la notion de communauté et de son impact sur les entreprises ainsi que les influences de l’organisation, de communication et contextuelles sur la communauté. Plusieurs niveaux de présentation sont encouragés, y compris les documents complets à prendre en considération pour les procédures de présentation et de conférence, des documents et des concepts dans le processus approprié pour la présentation, et des colloques qui combinent différents courants de pensée de s’engager et d’informer. En outre, nous allons encourager activement les exposés des élèves comme une passerelle vers des présentations de chercheurs.


La division de l’Histoire des affaires s’est associée au groupe de recherche UK Management History et les organisateurs attendent une participation d’historiens de la gestion qui viendront de l’Ouest du Canada et de l’étranger.


Un numéro spécial de la revue Management & Organizational History intitulé « Re-visiting the Historic Turn 10 years later: Current Debates in Management and Organizational History » va être préparé et les co-organisateurs de la division de l’Histoire des affaires vont encourager les auteurs à soumettre leurs manuscrits. Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez contacter Gabie Durepos ( ou Albert Mills (

La revue d’avril 2015 et d’octobre 2015 de The Workplace Review publieront des articles issues du colloque de l’ASB2014. La revue publie cinq articles par revue. Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez contacter Isabella Krysa (

Marquez vos calendriers pour Septembre; nous nous réjouissons de votre participation à notre communauté ASB à Mount Saint Vincent University.

Gabie Durepos

ASB Co-President

Important Dates


Registration & Important Dates

September 1

Deadline for receipt of paper, symposium and PDW submissions

September 9

Notification of acceptance status

August 31

Last day to register at lower rate

September 12

Notification of award winners

September 12

Deadline for receipt of amended papers

September 26

Start of 44th ASB Conference

September 28

Close of Conference

Symposium – includes Symposium, Saturday luncheon and dinner
Not Available
Not Available
Registration – includes Friday evening reception; Saturday breakfast, coffee breaks, luncheon and dinner; and Sunday breakfast
Not Available
Not Available
Students/Retired Faculty
Not Available
Not Available
Companion – includes Friday evening reception and Saturday dinner
Not Available
Not Available


Atlantica Hotel





Anthony Yue


William Murray


Please note: Papers are to be submitted through the EasyChair conference system at If you have not used EasyChair before, follow the instructions on the site to “sign up for an account”.

Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speakers

Roy Jacques, Ph.D.

Dr. Jacques is an independent management theorist, teacher, coach, consultant and former small business owner presently living in Phoenix, Arizona. He has taught at several American and New Zealand universities, most recently as Professor of Management and Business Strategy at Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand. His graduate degrees are from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Roy has devoted his career to studying and teaching the effective management of what he terms ‘knowledge-intensive work’, meaning work situations where it is not adequate to simply command employees to do the job — situations where employee discretion, judgment and good will are also necessary for achieving an effective organizational result. This has included occupations as diverse as biotechnology researchers, nurses and café staff.

Since ‘knowledge work’ (a most inadequately theorized construct) has been trumpeted as marking a revolution in the meanings of work and managing, the central theoretical object of Dr. Jacques’ research has been the social construction of subjectivity over time. This foregrounds two phenomena, history and identity. Due to the centrality of identity, much of Dr. Jacques’ work has focused on gender and diversity, including a chapter in the forthcoming Prasad & Prasad Routledge Companion to Critical Management Studies which traces the neutering of radical potential in the signifier ‘diversity’ within mainstream US academic discourse. Roy was the first chair of the Gender & Diversity division of the Academy of Management after it broadened its mission from Women in Management. 

This same interest in the construction of subjectivity led Dr. Jacques to research the history of the ‘management’ as a temporally and culturally bounded way of producing and controlling a work subject — the ‘employee’. This research was published in 1996 by Sage, London, as Manufacturing the Employee: Management knowledge from the 19th to 21st centuries. That this low-circulation academic tome remains in print eighteen years later speaks to the enduring interest the work has stimulated. Gary Hamel has praised this book as, “one of the most thoughtful business books I have ever read.” 

Dr. Jacques was a founding co-editor of the journal Management & Organizational History. His contribution to the inaugural issue (“History, historiography and organizational studies: The challenge and the potential”) is a critical reflection on historical research, methodology and its relevance (or not) to organizational studies. Roy’s present primary interest is mentoring and developing new 1st and 2nd line managers, based on principles presented in the book The Sergeant Major Syndrome, which he co-authored.


It is fitting that we come to Halifax to discuss community; Halifax, the heart of the North American Maritimes, where the fish were inexhaustible for millennia; but also where our faith in ‘management’, ‘science’ and a narrowly-conceived version of rationality, combined with our innocence about the sociopathic cruelties of absentee ownership in a capitalist society have resulted in the destruction of the most inexhaustible fishery on the planet and the devastation of the foundations of communities from Rhode Island to Cape Breton to the West of England. In the cod we see our own future. We value community or we would not be here. How do we give the field mouse of community a fair chance against the plunging hawk of absentee capitalism? We have hard questions to face. That we do not have easy answers should not deter us from accepting that we are not facing questions of convenience, or mere profit, but of survival — and we shall be as cods.

Track Chairs

Track Chairs

Doctoral & Early Career Consortium

Doctoral & Early Career Consortium


Date: Friday, September 25th, 2015

Time: 2.00pm – 4.30pm

Room: Wu Conference Centre, Room 208


2.00pm–3.00pm: “Research interests and Career mentoring”, Dr. Jeffrey J. McNally (University of New Brunswick) & Ph.D. Candidate Mariana I. Paludi (Saint Mary´s University).

3.00pm–3.30pm: Nutrition Break

3.30pm–4.30pm: “Finding your 'research niche' in management”, Dr. Jeffrey J. McNally, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, University of New Brunswick.


Jeffrey J. McNally

Jeff’s research interests revolve around examining the types, investments in, and the outcomes of the relationships that people have with their work and/or learning organizations as exchange partners. He is currently one of the project leads in a global study examining the outcomes of entrepreneurship education at the university level. The study is fully funded by an Insight Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), on which Jeff is the Co-Investigator. For more information go to:

Mariana I. Paludi

Mariana Ines Paludi is a PhD candidate at the Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary’s University, Canada and a junior lecturer in Gender and Organization Studies at Universidad de San Andrés and Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (Argentina). Her areas of research include critical management perspective, gender, culture, Latin America, and postcolonialism. She has published in journals such as Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and recently she co-authored a chapter for The Oxford Handbook of Gender in Organizations. For more information go to:


For more information on the Doctoral Consortium contact: Mariana I. Paludi at

Program & Proceedings


Schedule of Presentations


Events at a Glance

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